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Your team is only as good as its parts

The Team Builder is a single-day workshop on your home court. Exos coaches lay out the strategies you need to strengthen your team. Because well-being and high-performance can go hand in hand.

“These workshops are truly immersive and experiential. My aha moment: ‘Recovery is a must have, it is no longer a-nice-to-have.’ Unless we build this into our culture, how can we really sustain peak performance?”
VP, Dell
“Since our workshop, even months later, all we talk about is Exos, recovery and Flow. You guys are a household name.”
RRD Leader
“As leaders, we tend to trade our well-being for better outcomes at work. One of the most important lessons I learned from Exos through these workshops are the ways I can prioritize my recovery. That way I can show up as my full self for my teams, so that we can get better every single day.”

VP Global Services, Verizon
“These workshops are truly immersive and experiential. My aha moment: ‘Recovery is a must have, it is no longer a-nice-to-have.’ Unless we build this into our culture, how can we really sustain peak performance?”

VP, Dell

So, how does it work?

We spend the day with you and your team, on your terms. Exos coaches and experts will help you customize how your workshop will play out — ensuring movement breaks, collaboration sessions, and a healthy menu are all included to optimize the day.


When there’s a coach, there’s a way

Exos coaches have masters degrees and certifications in all relevant human performance subject matter. They’ve solved every challenge imaginable and know how difficult it can be for teams when they feel stuck. They are here to take your people from where they are to where they want to be.


“I don’t know how to get my team to the next level.”

We’ll provide actionable strategies to help your teams create new, sustainable practices that can up-level not only their performance, but that of their teams and the organization.

What’s In It For You?

Psychological Safety
Establishing psych safety is about understanding how each member within your team orbits around risk, failure, fear, and friction.
If you want hyper-productive, focused, and motivated teams, they'll need to learn how to integrate active recovery strategies into the workday.
We help your teams learn how to activate a state of flow, where brain waves shift, allowing for creativity to emerge.
Positive Dissent
To pave a path for new behaviors and boundaries, you need constructive dissent — that is, divergent thinking that lends way to better decision making and innovation.
RRD Case Study
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